
HSM 24318N Low Recoil 243 Win 85 gr Orange Polymer Tip 20 Per Box/ 25 Case


brand Hsm/hunting Shack Inc
SKU 24318N
UPC 810742024703
Warehouse Stock 427
Store Stock 0

The HSM Low Recoil rifle rounds all feature full, standard weight for caliber hunting bullets. There is no compromise in performance and accuracy when compared to bullets found topping other low-recoil ammunition. HSM partnered with world-renowned Sierra Bullets in developing these HSM proprietary bullets featuring a distinct HSM orange polymer tip. They are as technologically advanced as has yet been encountered. Specifications: 243 Win/85 gr/Orange Polymer Tip/20 Per Box/25 Cs

Caliber 243 Win
Bullet Type Orange Polymer Tip
Bullet Weight 85 gr
Muzzle Energy 1033 ft lbs
Muzzle Velocity 2340 fps
Rounds Per Box 20
Boxes Per Case 25
Application Hunting
Casing Material Brass
Overall Rating
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