
HSM 65X2843N Game King 6.5x284 Norma 140 gr Sierra GameKing Spitzer Boat Tail 20 Per Box/ 20 Case


brand Hsm/hunting Shack Inc
SKU 65X2843N
UPC 837306002960
Warehouse Stock 334
Store Stock 0

HSM has developed an entire lineup of fine hunting ammunition featuring the time-honored Sierra GameKing/Pro-Hunter bullets. Each caliber's components have been precisely matched to each GameKing/Pro-Hunter bullet to maximize their potential for accuracy and performance. Specifications: 6.5x284 Norma/140 gr/ Sierra GameKing Spitzer Boat-Tail (SGSBT)/20 Per Box/25 Cs

Caliber 6.5x284 Norma
Bullet Type Sierra GameKing Spitzer Boat Tail
Bullet Weight 140 gr
Muzzle Energy 2896 ft lbs
Muzzle Velocity 3052 fps
Rounds Per Box 20
Boxes Per Case 20
Application Hunting
Casing Material Brass
Overall Rating
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