Smith And Wesson

Smith & Wesson 150341 Model 27 Classic 357 Mag Or 38 S & W Spl + P Blued Carbon Steel 6.50 " Barrel, 6rd Cylinder & N- Frame, Checkered Square Butt Walnut Grip


SKU 150341
UPC 022188134391
Condition NEW
Warehouse Stock 5
Store Stock 2
Smith & Wesson's Classic revolver is the finest handgun possible with designs going back to the most famous and collectible guns that Smith & Wesson ever constructed. Each is based on a model known for legendary performance then enhanced with modern advantages. The 27 Classic features a blued carbon steel 6.5" barrel, frame, and cylinder. It also has a Patridge front sight, an adjustable rear, and walnut grips.
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