Smith And Wesson

Smith & Wesson 178038 Model 686 Performance Center Pro 357 Mag Or 38 S & W Spl + P Stainless Steel 5 " Barrel & 7 Shot Cylinder Cut For Moon Clips, Matte Silver Stainless Steel L- Frame


SKU 178038
UPC 022188780383
Condition NEW
Warehouse Stock 6
Store Stock 1
Completing the line between main production and the Performance Center, the Smith & Wesson Pro Series represents the next step from standard models. Bringing competition specifications and features to factory models, the Pro Series offer that ready-to-go package while still maintaining production line integrity. The 686 Plus model has a stainless steel barrel, frame, and cylinder. It also has interchangeable front and adjustable rear sights, and black synthetic grips. Included is a moonclip.
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