Udap Industries Inc

UDAP 12VHP Bear Spray OC Pepper Range 30 ft 7.90 oz Orange Includes Hip Holster


Out of Stock
brand Udap Industries Inc
UPC 679354000303

This Bear Spray is 7.9oz/225g. It has the furthest spray distance at 30 feet. It is the hottest bear spray formula available at 2% CRC. Unlike other brands that spray a slower forming narrow fog of bear pepper spray, UDAP Pepper Power Bear Spray deploys a high-volume powerful blast of highly concentrated pepper spray in a dense fog, covering a broader area in a much shorter period of time. It comes with an orange hip holster.

Type Pepper Spray
Size 7.90 oz
Weight 225 gr
Range 30 ft
Repels Bears
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Strength 3%
Other Ingredient
Color Orange
Active Ingredient OC Pepper
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